2016 is wrapping up! Mike Wakeland, our CEO, shares his thoughts on our many victories, and the way forward. Take it away, Mike!
What a year 2016 has been! It seems like only yesterday it was just beginning, and we were talking about what we wanted to accomplish in the coming months. Time continues to fly by, and DialogueDirect continues to soar.

This year was full of adventure, travel opportunities, new campaigns, and new clients. To me, it’s the journey to reach those goals that I know we'll remember the most. Yes, the results are important, but the journey to achieve those results is what we'll reminisce about. Stories about the ups, downs, and everything in the middle. It’s the adventure we strive for. The stories of victories and the stories of the ones that could have been.

Much of our success in 2016 was due to expanding our charity partnerships and strengthening our core staff. DialogueDirect North America tested with new partners, and increased our capacity with Save The Children USA, The Nature Conservancy, Child Fund International, UNICEF Mexico, Greenpeace Mexico, Save the Children Mexico, and welcomed our newest partnership with the ASPCA. Who doesn’t love puppies and kittens?

With all the excitement this year, we were still able to enjoy some sun in the fun. The DD USA team had the opportunity to travel east for Vietnam, to see firsthand the amazing work Save the Children does in Vietnam each day. In September, DD USA and DD Mexico ventured south to the beautiful island of Aruba for a little R&R. In May, DD Mexico explored their amazing country with a visit to the historical city of Querétaro. These events are not only rewards for a job well done, but the building blocks of the tight-knit professional relationships we strive for at DialogueDirect. We are a family, and family sticks together.

As I sit here in a hotel lobby in Mexico City, a two man band plays the most appropriate song, “Everyone Wants to Rule the World,” I reflect on what DialgoueDirect aspires to do each and every day. It feels like the band, and that song, are talking to us, the dedicated people who put on their armor each and every day, not to rule the world, but to change it for the better. Is it an easy task? No, just ask the countless team members who work in the sunshine, rain, snow, and yes, the bitter cold. The ones who hear one hundred "No’s" each day, and have the courage to fight for that "Yes!" They're fighting for the idea that we can change the world for everyone. They're fighting for the belief that our voice can make a difference.
As human beings, we all want the same things, no matter where we've come from. We want happiness, we want better lives for our fellow humans, we want to leave this earth a better place than we arrived. Isn’t that how we hope to be judged? That we did our part?
As the sun comes up each day, I continue to reflect on the work we do at DialogueDirect. It is such an amazing organization that we are all part of. We have the opportunity not only to make a living by helping others, but to become better people ourselves. We lay our heads on our pillows at the end of the day knowing we have contributed to humanity.

To the team members on the front lines, and to the office staff supporting our efforts, I want to thank you for another amazing year at DialgoueDirect. This team continues to impress, and elevates our efforts to another level. May each of you enjoy your holidays, and may 2017 bring you much success!
Thanks for guiding us through another great year, Mike! See you again in 2017!
Want to join us in the new year? You can find out more about our career opportunities here: DialogueDirect Careers Page